Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Creating a Dwarf

Although short in height, a Dwarf can pack a very hard punch if played right. As with any of the characters you can choose to change the skin color, face, hair style, hair color, and facial hair. Some of the characters have other options instead such as the way their ears look etcetera.
Bringing their small figures into the game will make anyone look twice, Dwarfs are the third smallest race in World of Warcraft.

Dwarf Classes

Aside from the basic characteristic changes that can be made, you can choose to be any of the following classes:

  • Warrior
  • Paladin
  • Hunter
  • Rogue
  • Priest
  • Mage
  • Shaman
  • Warlock
  • Death Knight
Dwarves have racial abilities that allow them to have increased critical chance with guns, resistance to frost damage, increased expertise with maces, they are able to find additional Archaeology fragments and survey faster, along with the added benefit of taking stone form.Each of these abilities can be used in certain classes such as the increased critical change with guns for hunters.
The ability to change into a stone form is a great asset to playing PVP (player-versus-player). It can also help when you are fighting through the world PVE (player-versus-everything). You take considerably less damage while in stone form making it a very good ability when face with multiple enemies.

Starting Area for Dwarves

The Dwarf race starts out in Coldridge Valley which is located in Dun Morogh. Each “country”has it’s own name with several locations.Leveling 1-10 for a Dwarves will be done in Dun Morogh. The major city for the Alliance, Ironforge, is also located in Dun Morogh along with Gnomeregan, which is the Gnome starting area. Normally when leveling a Dwarf of any class you will follow this path:
Dun Morogh (1-10)
Loch Modan (10-20)
Duskwood (20-25)* not en-route
Wetlands (25-30)
All of these locations are located in Eastern Kingdoms, the continent that is home to Stormwind and the Dwarf, Human, Gnome, and Worgen starting areas. If you follow the quest line it will take you from place to place, however for those on private servers you might level out of the area with a few quests, but for Blizzard Servers and Servers with 1x rates, it will take you through each place while leveling.

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