Tuesday, August 13, 2013

WoW Character Introduction

There are many games out there that are commonly played but none match up to World of Warcraft. With goblins, gnomes, orcs, and trolls how could you go wrong? This game is also known as an MMORPG - which to some people may be meaningless. World of Warcraft is a multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG) that includes adventure, exploration, dungeon bosses, and world bosses. You can create your own character from scratch, of course choosing it's race and class.

Fraction and Races

The races are different between fractions.
The Alliance fraction:
  • Human
  • Dwarf
  • Gnome
  • Night Elf
  • Dranaei
  • Worgen * Cataclysm Expansion
The Horde Fraction:
  • Orc
  • Troll
  • Tauren
  • Blood Elf
  • Undead
  • Goblin *Cataclysm Expansion
For the expansions you can level as followed:
Burning Crusade 1-80
Cataclysm 80-85
Mists of Pandaria 85-90
The newest expansion, Mists of Pandaria, brought forth the Pandarian race, which are panda bears. This race can choose which side, horde or alliance, that they wish to be a part of around level 13. Once they have chosen a side the player will be sent to the main city of the side chosen.
Each race has their own abilities, also called racial abilities. These will allow that specific race special abilities that others will not have unless they are the same race such as a Dwarf. Game play may differ depening on the chosen race. Each start out in their own starting zone. For the Goblin and Worgen races you must first level out of the starting zone before you meet up with other races.
Each fraction has their own special cities or towns. The major city for the Horde is Origrimmar where as for the Alliance is Stormwind. There is also a major city for each race. The Humans of course have Stormwind. For the Dwarfs and Gnomes is Ironforge. For the Night Elf is Darnasseus, Dranaei is Exodar and the Worgen shares Stormwind. The Horde has Orgrimmar for the trolls and orcs, the Goblins cannot return to their starting area Kezan, so they too share Orgrimmar as the main. Tauren's have Thunder Bluff, Blood Elves have Silvermoon, and Undead has the Undercity.
Now that you've been introduced to the Characters of World of Warcraft, it's time to join forces with either the Horde or the Alliance and begin the journey and battle to the top!

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